Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stay Defined

Stay Defined

Whether we claim to be a “Christian rapper,” a “Christian hip hopper,” or just a “plain Christian,” the question should be asked of us, “just how Christian are we?”

The best Christian rappers are not just good rappers but, good Christians. The best Christian hip hoppers are not just cool hip hoppers but, good Christians. The best “plain Christians” are not those who have perfect church attendance, but those who live all of their life submitted and obedient to Jesus Christ.

Will the real Christians please stand up and stand out? Christian crowds are now easier than ever to amass. We’ve got our own celebrities, our own festivals, our own award shows, etc. Through the right marketing and promotions we can “do it big” these days, but in the midst of all of this I’m still plagued with the question, “just how Christian are we?”

This almost sounds like a trick question because it seems impossible to judge something like this. How do you judge how Christian someone is, or how Christian you are? I’m not sure that a “right answer” will be agreed on, but certainly we should be able to answer how much of the essentials of Christ’s character and concerns are easily detected in us?

Out of the darkness of secular culture God has clearly snatched for himself individuals and placed them into a union with His Son Jesus Christ. After this transfer, a lifestyle change is supposed to visibly and tangibly demonstrate the difference being in Christ makes. Christ is supposed to take over a person and live his life out through them. Therefore, I look to my generation and ask “just how Christian are you?”

I labor missionally in the hip hop-saturated urban sphere on behalf of Jesus Christ. In the last decade I have personally been apart of, and a witness to the continued improvement of artistic skill among this group.

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