Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tedashi Feat Lecrea - DumDum Lyrics

Lecrae: Real Skinny-Loud Color Tenni's Body marked Up like Graffiti I don't push a Maserati, Beamer, Benz or Bentley And yeah I rode a foreign, and yes I'm looking spiffy Go ahead and doubt us, but what you know about us We aint gotta follow them - No, we take another route-a No we aint blowin trees bro, open up my window I see you poppin tags, but you know that's why yo ends low I tried to tell em we was comin', go on, let us in Why they hatin' like we all a bunch of Hooligans? No Gimmicks, Spirit in my lyrics Know when people hear it they gon' love or they fear it And how we flow, when we show up at a show They say we go S.O. hard in the paint, they can't wait for some moe' But some others say we preachin', some close-minded teachin' Like we aint heard of Marx life, and Niche, Believe me (Chorus): Ay, They Don't know about us, they don't, they don't know about us They, They, they don't know about us, they don't know about They think we Dum, Dum Diddy Dum, Dum But they Gon' know, they gon' know about us They gon' know about, they gon' know about us They gon' know about, they gon' know about us Oh they gon' know about us, they gon' know about us Tedashii: 6,2,2 plus, go on add it up (Hey, that's a big problem, call it Calculus) Math on some track, but content like I had enough Long hair, don't care, Samoan plus I'm tatted up I know this blow ya mind, and I aint blowin pine Not talking women looking skimpy every other line Yeah, I got a dime, about to make her mine Life in Christ got me finished like a crossed a line With the way that you're telling me to sell, sell out Nah man it's so foolish, done tryin to be you and don't fit Mis-fit, I don't trip, everybody hate Chris They sayin get with this, just like a membership They talkin' slick like this is it, but it's just gibberish I say I'm interested, they say 'you different' Oh, you gon' know even if you don't let us in (Chorus) Tedashii: Dum on em, dum on em, like I could be Dum on em, dum on em, like you should be Dum on em, dum on em, like I would be Dum on em, dum on em, yeah that's cool with me

Monday, November 21, 2011

Christian Leadership

So Jesus called them together and said, “You know that in this world kings are tyrants, and officials lord it over the people beneath them. But among you it should be quite different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all. For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many.” - Jesus, Mark 10:42-45

Dear brothers and sisters, when I first came to you I didn’t use lofty words and brilliant ideas to tell you God’s message. And my message and my preaching were very plain. I did not use wise and persuasive speeches, but the Holy Spirit was powerful among you. - Paul, 1 Corinthians 2:1-4

Care for the flock of God entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your good example. - Peter, 1 Peter 5:2-3

These descriptions of leadership take our previous definitions to a new level. There is a “spiritual” dimension added in which God is the source of authority and Jesus is the example of how it must be exercised.

In describing Christian leadership we need to recognize that it operates in two realms: the spiritual and the physical. An adequate definition therefore must recognize that while the

Christian leader is called to operate in the physical realm, in order to do so effectively they must draw upon the resources offered through the spiritual realm. This means having a gift of leadership conferred by God, which is developed through an intimacy with Him and honed by instruction in leadership principles and skills. Together these lead to the insight and influence necessary to lead effectively.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Lecrea In Kenya

American Christian Hip-hop artist Lecrae Moore, Triplee, Pro, Tedashi, C-Lite (116) click landed to a sensational warm welcome in Kenya at the JKIA for the much anticipated show dubbed Unashamed Kenya tour at Mavuno Dome. Famed for his songs Unashamed, Jesus Muzik, Background, Lecrae will be performing alongside other Reach records Trip Lee, KB, PRO and Tedashii, and special guest DJ C-lite. The multi award winner Lecrae, has released five solo studio albums, and his latest Rehab Deluxe was released two months ago. He has a previously won the Best Hip-Hop Music Video for GMC Music Video Awards. Lecrae released the groundbreaking album After the Music Stops and the first Christian Rap CD to ever sit in the No. 1 position on Billboard's Top Gospel Charts.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Moje In Talks With X-HOODZ

Gospel Hip Hopper M.O.J.E aka More of Jesus Everyday is in the event of clearing talks with CEO / Director of X-Hoods Entertainment on a recording deal for his self titled upcoming album More of Jesus Everyday.

Happy about the progress of friendship, fellowship and talks the By force rapper is really excited to finally work with the musical genius Daniel Biu and Sam-Ziddo but all this will come after the final agreement of his album.

“I am really excited to kick start this project and finish it, I know it’s ordained and I am humbled to work with individuals who have the hearts of God and are doing his work”.

This will be his second album since his first the synopsis. More on moje at his blog-page ...ENDS..

Mali Music Signed By Convict

“It’s just a blessing that he was affected and impacted by the ministry and by the songs”says Mali Music when he was signed to Konvict by Akon.

Konvict Music which has helped launch the careers of superstars like Lady Gaga and T-Pain entered into a deal with Mali Music this November.

The Segalese rapper Akon is still building the talent roster for his Konvict Music imprint. The producer/songwriter/singer and signing gospel rapper Mail Music to his label, it is expected the rapper's new album will be released as early as first quarter 2012. ...ENDS...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stay Defined

Stay Defined

Whether we claim to be a “Christian rapper,” a “Christian hip hopper,” or just a “plain Christian,” the question should be asked of us, “just how Christian are we?”

The best Christian rappers are not just good rappers but, good Christians. The best Christian hip hoppers are not just cool hip hoppers but, good Christians. The best “plain Christians” are not those who have perfect church attendance, but those who live all of their life submitted and obedient to Jesus Christ.

Will the real Christians please stand up and stand out? Christian crowds are now easier than ever to amass. We’ve got our own celebrities, our own festivals, our own award shows, etc. Through the right marketing and promotions we can “do it big” these days, but in the midst of all of this I’m still plagued with the question, “just how Christian are we?”

This almost sounds like a trick question because it seems impossible to judge something like this. How do you judge how Christian someone is, or how Christian you are? I’m not sure that a “right answer” will be agreed on, but certainly we should be able to answer how much of the essentials of Christ’s character and concerns are easily detected in us?

Out of the darkness of secular culture God has clearly snatched for himself individuals and placed them into a union with His Son Jesus Christ. After this transfer, a lifestyle change is supposed to visibly and tangibly demonstrate the difference being in Christ makes. Christ is supposed to take over a person and live his life out through them. Therefore, I look to my generation and ask “just how Christian are you?”

I labor missionally in the hip hop-saturated urban sphere on behalf of Jesus Christ. In the last decade I have personally been apart of, and a witness to the continued improvement of artistic skill among this group.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Ambassador Going Big

Xist Music recording artist The Ambassador, released his highly-anticipated fourth studio album, Stop the Funeral, which debuted at #6 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums Chart and at #14 on the Top Christian Albums Chart.

The album also landed at #52 on the overall indie chart. Within hours of the July 12th release, Stop the Funeral debuted in the Top 10 Albums Christian/Gospel Chart at iTunes, peaking at #2.

“I’m thanking God for this and for my team and all their hard work just to get to this point,” said T. Black, co-founder and CEO of Xist Music. “We’re a brand new company under a new distribution system, and we still have a lot to learn. This momentum reflects just how much his supporters have been waiting for The Ambassador to return.”

Stop the Funeral features guest performances by Canton Jones, Mali Music, Sean Simmonds, Jessica Reedy and Charmaine, who is featured on the first radio single, “Up Down.” Stop the Funeral is available now at iTunes and wherever music is sold.

Da' T.R.U.T.H

Da’ T.R.U.T.H. Is Back and ALIVE

One the heels of being named one of “10 Men Leading the Way” by & (see, DA’ T.R.U.T.H. releases the first two singles from his highly anticipated forthcoming project THE WHOLE TRUTH exclusively on his Facebook page.

Supporters can listen to “Alive” and “The Whole Truth” at:

THE WHOLE TRUTH will mark the first CD release with new joint venture Xist Music/220 Entertainment on September 13, 2011. For more information on Da’ T.R.U.T.H., visit or

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Brothers and Sisters,
Hoping you are well and doing great, im good just keeping the love and the joy that the Lord has bestowed in me.

Everything is good and hope you are good too. I believe so. So have u been reading the word, and do you reflect it, walk it, believe and trust in it? If not then you ought to please do reflect on that.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


By Moje

The simplest terms, the Gospel is the redemptive message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

It is the chronicle of his life, death, and resurrection in order set mankind free from the power of sin and death.
To be a Christian means to believe that he is, in fact, the Savior foretold in the Old Testament of the Bible and that he died for the sins of all mankind. In his death, he paid the penalty for all sin. In his resurrection, he forever conquered death.

As a result, his sacrifice makes the gift of salvation and eternal life available to every believer. Following is an overview of the Gospel, what it means to be a Christian, and how to become one.

More Of Jesus Everyday



In order to more fully understand the Gospel, or Good News, it is imperative to understand the bad news.

The bad news is called sin (Rom. 3:23). Beginning with the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, mankind has been plagued by sin. It is completely inescapable.
Even those who consider themselves "good people" have not achieved God's perfect standard.

Worse yet is that we will all face Judgement Day and be held accountable for our every thought, word, and action (II Cor. 5:10).
The Bible says that we deserve death because of our sin (Rom. 6:23) and, despite our attempts, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

Our "good" deeds will in no way outweigh or make-up for our bad ones. No sacrifice, ritual or lifestyle can save us. Attending church regularly, donating time or resources to charity, or simply being a "good" person cannot ensure our forgiveness or a place in heaven (Matthew 7:24).

More of Jesus Everyday

Overcome SIn

The only way to overcome sin and to inherit eternal life instead of death is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). The Bible tells us that God loved us so much that he intervened and sent Jesus Christ, His only Son, as a ransom to suffer and die in our place (John 3:16). Jesus' sacrifice on the cross over 2000 years ago paid the price for our sin, no matter how large or how many, so that we can live without being enslaved to sin here on earth and to offer us life eternally. That is the Gospel the Good News..
More of Jesus Everyday

Chosen Warrior

By Moje

Go for the maximum, not the minimum. Choose to go after more than just the bare minimum God has to offer you.

Make your faith about more than just trying to escape hell and get your ticket punched to heaven. Invite God to completely transform you: bending your will, awakening your conscience, breaking your heart, transforming your mind, overcoming your prejudices, soaring in your spirit, and conforming you into His glorious image.

More of Jesus Everyday