Wednesday, May 11, 2011



In order to more fully understand the Gospel, or Good News, it is imperative to understand the bad news.

The bad news is called sin (Rom. 3:23). Beginning with the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, mankind has been plagued by sin. It is completely inescapable.
Even those who consider themselves "good people" have not achieved God's perfect standard.

Worse yet is that we will all face Judgement Day and be held accountable for our every thought, word, and action (II Cor. 5:10).
The Bible says that we deserve death because of our sin (Rom. 6:23) and, despite our attempts, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

Our "good" deeds will in no way outweigh or make-up for our bad ones. No sacrifice, ritual or lifestyle can save us. Attending church regularly, donating time or resources to charity, or simply being a "good" person cannot ensure our forgiveness or a place in heaven (Matthew 7:24).

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