Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Brothers and Sisters,
Hoping you are well and doing great, im good just keeping the love and the joy that the Lord has bestowed in me.

Everything is good and hope you are good too. I believe so. So have u been reading the word, and do you reflect it, walk it, believe and trust in it? If not then you ought to please do reflect on that.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


By Moje

The simplest terms, the Gospel is the redemptive message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

It is the chronicle of his life, death, and resurrection in order set mankind free from the power of sin and death.
To be a Christian means to believe that he is, in fact, the Savior foretold in the Old Testament of the Bible and that he died for the sins of all mankind. In his death, he paid the penalty for all sin. In his resurrection, he forever conquered death.

As a result, his sacrifice makes the gift of salvation and eternal life available to every believer. Following is an overview of the Gospel, what it means to be a Christian, and how to become one.

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In order to more fully understand the Gospel, or Good News, it is imperative to understand the bad news.

The bad news is called sin (Rom. 3:23). Beginning with the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, mankind has been plagued by sin. It is completely inescapable.
Even those who consider themselves "good people" have not achieved God's perfect standard.

Worse yet is that we will all face Judgement Day and be held accountable for our every thought, word, and action (II Cor. 5:10).
The Bible says that we deserve death because of our sin (Rom. 6:23) and, despite our attempts, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

Our "good" deeds will in no way outweigh or make-up for our bad ones. No sacrifice, ritual or lifestyle can save us. Attending church regularly, donating time or resources to charity, or simply being a "good" person cannot ensure our forgiveness or a place in heaven (Matthew 7:24).

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Overcome SIn

The only way to overcome sin and to inherit eternal life instead of death is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). The Bible tells us that God loved us so much that he intervened and sent Jesus Christ, His only Son, as a ransom to suffer and die in our place (John 3:16). Jesus' sacrifice on the cross over 2000 years ago paid the price for our sin, no matter how large or how many, so that we can live without being enslaved to sin here on earth and to offer us life eternally. That is the Gospel the Good News..
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Chosen Warrior

By Moje

Go for the maximum, not the minimum. Choose to go after more than just the bare minimum God has to offer you.

Make your faith about more than just trying to escape hell and get your ticket punched to heaven. Invite God to completely transform you: bending your will, awakening your conscience, breaking your heart, transforming your mind, overcoming your prejudices, soaring in your spirit, and conforming you into His glorious image.

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